Most of the time Michael inspires me on what to create, but this time i had a whole other approach; Elizabeth Michelle Billeaudeaux asked me to create a painting for one of her beautiful poems. That was a wonderful challenge, and i’m so happy the images came as i read the poem. She gave me permission to share her poem and painting here.
The Myth of Separation
(HOLY TRINITY: Mother, Father, Child)
Out of the ecstasy of divine union of light and dark
She opens her eyes.
Spinning through the void of the nothing
Taking in the beauty of the all
She opens her heart.
Laughing, she throws back her head,
Stirring sparkling stars.
Diving into white,
Splashing foaming colors,
Red, orange, yellow, mold her body
Green, blue, indigo, violet form her soul.
Everything is perfect.
Everything is here.
Love, peace, beauty, perfection, divinity
What more could she ask for?
How much could she bare?
She is Mother,
Of glistening, embryonic, gems of Thought.
She is alone,
Grappling with growing desires of more.
Curious images of experiences of sharing…
Far-reaching familiar feelings of impossibilities…
Freefalling back into herself, she glimpses a smile.
She accepts a hug,
Then tastes a kiss.
She bats her eyes and
From within, he flows forward.
He is Father,
Of turbulent, toddler-like, torrents of Action.
One-Two, One-Two…
Me and You…
A stand-alone-together.
They embrace, and fill the world
With light, love, and longing.
She and He, of all they see.
What more could they ask for?
How much could they bare?
They create, and change the world.
One, Two, Three…
A bounty of We.
She is Child,
With laughter, expectation, and grace to be Free.
Separation is a myth.
© 3/4/2010 E. M. Billeaudeaux
(Acrylics on canvas)
mei 21st, 2015 - 2:57 am
AGAIN Marjolein…I am so blessed to have your interpretation of my poem. It gets more beautiful every time I look at it!!!!! I L~O~V~E it!